Certifications of Innate-ly Members

The following list includes a collection of various certifications and accreditations members of Innate-ly hold and use in their insight generation and development work with individuals, teams, and organisations. It is representative of the breadth but not exhaustive of the depth of expertise of the Innate-ly team.

  • Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) - Certified NVC Trainer

  • Core Gift Institute - Advanced Core Gift Master Facilitators, Certified Core Gift Master Facilitator Trainers

  • ExperiencePoint - Experience Change Simulation, Certified Practitioner

  • Gallup - Certified Global Gallup Strengths Coach

  • Global Coach Group - Global 360 Feedforward Coaching, Global Leadership 360

  • Human Synergistics International (LSI, GSI, L/I, OCI, OEI, CSS) - Individual, Group, Leadership, Culture, and Customer Service The Styles Inventories

  • Leadership Circle - TLC and TLS

  • Marshall Goldsmith Coaching - Stakeholder Centered Leadership Coaching and Team Coaching

  • Positive Intelligence (Certified Positive Intelligence Coaches) incl. Saboteur Assessment

  • Power & Systems - Organisational Workshop, Certified Practitioners

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Book a call with one of our team members to learn about how Innate-ly might support you, your team, or your organisation.